"And The Greatest Bacon Sandwich" by Felicity Cloake
Author Felicity Cloake has highly recommended Emmett’s on her gastronomical tour like no other here's her recipe for "The Greatest Bacon Sandwich"...
Makes 4 Sandwiches
8 Rashers of Emmett's bacon
8 Slices of good brown bread
Date & Lime Chutney
Sliced Montgomery Cheddar
Bungay Raw Butter to spread generously
- Put a heavy-based frying pan over a medium-high heat and fry the bacon to your liking. Set aside somewhere warm.
- Meanwhile, heat the grill to medium, then put the bread on a grill tray and lightly toast (if your grill isn't large enough top do all the slices at once, you can use a toaster for half).
- Remove half the slices and set aside for now (stacked upright so they don't steam). Spread the chutney over the grill tray and scatter the cheese on top. Put back under the grill. until just melted.
- Butter the remaining toast, or, if there's enough fat left in the bacon pan, dip it lightly in that instead. Remove the cheese on toast from under the grill, top with the bacon, and then put the buttered slices on top of that, butter side down. Cut in half and eat without pausing for breath.
Download our PDF of the recipe here
Discover Felicity's Book "Red Sauce Brown Sauce: A British Breakfast Odyssey"